Brighton & Hove City Council


Housing & New Homes Committee              Agenda Item 21(d)


Subject:                     Housing and Homelessness Work Programme


Date of meeting:      20 September 2023


Proposer:                   Councillor Sheard

Seconder:                 Councillor De Oliveira


Ward(s) affected:     All


Notice of Motion submitted by Labour Group

This committee notes:

1. Private Rent in Brighton & Hove is one of the highest in the country, with an average rent of £1,100 which accounts for 50% of the average monthly income and this causes distress and poverty.


2. The Labour Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan has called on the Conservative Government to grant him powers to freeze rents in the City. The Labour Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, has also called for powers to intervene in the rental market.

This committee will take action to:

3. Request an officer report to be brought to the Housing & New Homes Committee assessing private rental costs in the City and analysing the impact that rental controls would have on affordability and our local housing market, should such powers be granted by an incoming Labour Government.

4. Explore how we can develop a long-term strategy to improve conditions and affordability for private renters in our city.


Supporting evidence:

On 16th March 2022 a motion was passed at Housing committee requesting that the Chief executive Write to the Secretary of State to ask that powers to implement rents controls are given to the city of Brighton and Hove. This has had absolutely no effect on the plight of renters.

This administration will act and take steps to initiate a report to assess private rental costs in the city and analyze the impact of rent controls should such powers be granted by an incoming Labour Government. We will explore how we can develop a long-term strategy to improve conditions and affordability for private renters on our city.

Why is renting in Brighton so hard? MP and union respond | The Argus

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